Chadius: TOA Shadra Haela
Note: I have concluded this is the most representative of Ms. Haela's news reports. It covers most of her life and achievements up to date. While I do understand our need to keep up to track of her, I must say that I did enjoy reading the many articles about her.
- Lucy, Secretary of TOA
Cover Story
Som 15th, 1499
A! Entertainment's Weekly Spotlight: Shardra Haela
by Rick Rogen
Hi! I'm Rick Rogen, and this week's spotlight I'm going to cover the one, the only Shardra Haela! Yes, I have tied down her agent, Sly Hatrey in my office. And I am going to get some answers!
RR:First of all Sly, thanks for coming here. First thing's first: Who is Shardra? Where did she come from?
SH:She's a farmer's daughter - literally. Came straight from a farm in Tenessee. A terrible accident burned down her home and, she lost her parents too.
RR:Oh, that's terrible.
SH:Yup. But Fate works in mysterious ways. I was in Memphis, helping out Diiman's latest flick, Psychobilly Explosion.