Emme's Rum Balls
Every year the Emme's family has a Christmas party... and every year on that same day, Emme and I are banished to the garage as a preemptive measure to make sure we don't do something obnoxious (like that one time when we were younger and thought that caroling restroom occupants was a fantastic idea). Now that we're 24 and still banished to the garage, we've taken to pilfering a plate of rum balls from the snack table before we get tossed out. I recently found the recipe for said rum balls scrawled out on a scrap of paper in Emme's own classy misspelled handwriting and figured I'd log a copy somewhere electronically before I lose that scrap.
12 oz (6 of those white packets) unsweetened chocolate
2 tbsp butter
2 tbsp heavy cream
2 egg yolks
"a splash" of rum
2 cups powdered sugar
finely crushed nuts to coat candies in
Melt chocolate in a double boiler. Add the butter, heavy cream, and egg yolks. "Splash" in some rum (go ahead, dump a bunch in... don't be a wuss with it). Slowly add 2 cups powdered sugar into mixture. Chill briefly (as Emme wrote, "not too long." Thanks buddy, super helpful). Form into balls and roll in nuts.