Batch 4
From UtterChaos
I want to try to come up with something nice for the winter. Probably a little sweeter, a little rich, and with a little more kick than my other beers so far. Here's the idea:
- 1 can (3.3 lbs) amber malt extract
- 1 can (3.3 lbs) dark malt extract
- 1 lbs amber dry malt extract
- 1 oz Golding hops pellets
- 1 oz Fuggle hops pellets
- 1 tube White labs English Ale yeast
- 1 tsp irish moss
I'm going to look at what kinds of hops have a lower AA profile, but still a nice aroma. The extra pound of malt, and the slightly lower attenuating yeast should make this a little sweeter. I'm debating trying an extra dark or chocolate malt, but those usually add a smoky flavor that I'm not overly fond of. We'll see. I still have plenty of time for this one.