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Teh Besterest Road

In the same world as the Longest Road, Teh Besterest Road follows the stories of a...not so virtuous party as they attempt to collect the Dragnon Balz.

The Party

  • Judas - The leader, a Black Knight.
  • Destinee - The auburn dragon with human ancestry. She is expert in the arcane arts, and her torch for Judas will never extinguish despite its terrible hardships!
  • Jerrydoo - I'm a wolf here to solve mysteries. MONSTERS, ZOINKS! Gotta run!
  • Lovure - A cleric of Laniss (life aspect.) He loves all life,
    • Killer - His pet female bunny.
  • Wynello - An elf who rebelled against his parents by becoming a barbarian! YEAH! RAGE AGAINST EVERYTHING! Antidisestablishmentarianism!
  • Qwirkz - A wooden dark badass blighter. Doesn't mind getting her hands dirty, and was raised among Fire Elementals. She has a DARK PAST!

Book 1: Awesome