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So in this day and age, any real pirate who lost her hand in deadly combat with some vengeful leviathan wouldn't content herself with some silly hook-hand. Oh no. She'd put ashore in Cambridge, Massachusetts, shanghai a couple'a MIT engineers, and have them outfit her with a cybernetic arm and sundry other enhancements, not to mention a great big honkin' multi-function assault rifle.

That's how we do it in the Rogue Isles. Ayup.

Meet Technopirate. *grin*

Current Projects:

  • Get Teleport and make it work well.
  • Get Stamina to help with this endurance issue.
  • Acquire every pirate-themed badge I can; at current, only have Scurvy Dog.
  • For the love of God, steer clear of guys who look like the GM's been mixing Seventh Sea and Call of Cthulhu.


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